Monday, August 9, 2010

The joy's of traveling

I don't know about you, but I have always dreaded traveling, ever since I was a little girl. I love to go different places, but I have always hated the trip to get there. I am not one of those "odd" people that like to make a 4 hour drive turn into a 12 hour drive, with various pit stops, shopping, sightseeing, and such. I am actually a very competitive person when I drive. When I pass a car, I do not want to stop unless it's an emergency so that who ever I have passed do not pass me again (Ok, so this is mostly for 2-lane roads, but still).

As a parent, I've found that what I thought was a bad situation is a lot worse. I recently made a day trip for one of my niece's birthdays, and came pretty close to packing everything, including the kitchen sink, but a trip I made a little over a month later, I was able to condense down to just 2 or 3 bags, a feat that I'm most proud of. So, I'll post packing and traveling tips I've found that work for my kids and hopefully they'll work for you too!

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